On the Phase-type Dual Model Perturbed by Diffusion
报 告 人:: 陈昱
报告地点:: 数学与统计学院四楼报告厅
报告时间:: 2017年12月21日星期四14:30-15:15

In this paper, we consider a phase-type dual model perturbed by diffusion, whose inter-claim times are continuous phase-type distributed. We derive the integral differential equation and boundary conditions for the ruin probability, and obtain the explicit expression of the ruin probability when the phase type distribution degenerates into the generalized Erlang(n) distribution. Finally, we consider a threshold dividend payment strategy in the model, and we obtain the integral differential equations for the expected dividend discount function.

发 布 人:科研助理 发布时间: 2017-12-13