Robust-BD Estimation and Inference for General Partially Linear Models
报 告 人:: 张春明
报告地点:: 数学与统计学院四楼报告厅
报告时间:: 2017年12月21日星期四11:45-12:30

The classical quadratic loss for the partially linear model (PLM) and the likelihood function for the generalized PLM are not resistant to outliers. This inspires us to propose a class of “robust-Bregman divergence (BD)” estimators of both the parametric and nonparametric components in the general partially linear model (GPLM), which allows the distribution of the response variable to be partially specified, without being fully known. Using the local-polynomial function estimation method, we propose a computationally-efficient procedure for obtaining “robust-BD” estimators and establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the “robust-BD” estimator of the parametric component \beta_0. For inference procedures of \beta_0 in the GPLM, we show that the Wald-type test statistic W_n constructed from the “robust-BD” estimators is asymptotically distribution free under the null, whereas the likelihood ratio-type test statistic L_n is not. This provides an insight into the distinction from the asymptotic equivalence (Fan and Huang 2005) between W_n and L_n in the PLM constructed from profile least-squares estimators using the non-robust quadratic loss. Numerical examples illustrate the computational effectiveness of the proposed “robust-BD” estimators and robust Wald-type test in the appearance of outlying observations.

发 布 人:科研助理 发布时间: 2017-12-13
张春明现任美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校统计系正教授她的研究兴趣包括高维复杂数据统计建模与推断, 非参数与半参数统计建模与推断, 大规模多元联合统计推断,及其应用于脑科学研究及神经影像数据分析,生物信息,医学,计量经济学及金融。